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Viral Speak 09-7-2000
Today I will answer a few, and Squishy will answer some too! Right Squishy? Oh, because I LIKE to be mean on occassion. I would like to note that I removed the reference to Amy Sevier from the About page, per her request. I fully enjoyed her whineing little e-mail. I mean seriously. Do I look like I give a *bad word* what Amy Sevier thinks? Or what some "Poetry Girl" thinks? Oh, if that poetry girl is attention-starved Betsy Lo Vecchio... I've a few words for her too. It was me. About four years ago, you got in trouble with Mr. Ward for making out with Joey Spry on the bus to the ski trip. I told on you. I sat in the back and watched you the whole trip down. I told everyone else on the trip too. And the next day I sat there and listened to you ask me if I told and I lied. I lied to you and made you think I cared. I also don't regret it. You deserved it. You shouldn't be doing that type of stuff on a CHURCH Ski Trip. Oh, and a little current bits of pieces to co-workers... best of luck to you, Crystal. Don't mess up; because I've seen how that story ends before. Don't end up on the street. Although you belive Viral Speak to be evil and will probably never see this. *snickers* To the Isabella and Rebecca: I'm betting that Jacob owes you HUNDREDS of dollars. He he he. And finally to the critics -all four of them- "DMG Ice: That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!" You would not believe what a great banner that would make. I could sing it too. Funny bit here!

Uh, isn't the Dungeons and Dragons movie in French? - Just some guy
Philip: I guess I'll have to learn French.
Squishy: I already speak French! I speak it with KISSES! HAPPY!
Philip: I'm scared...
That Dungeon Man music in Earthbound (Mother 2) was like, the coolest game music ever... - The Heptagon
Philip: I know. I have the Mother 2 OSV. It's great. I also ripped it all into MP3. Track me down and I'll hook you up with the MP3.
wonk hero is dead....i ate him! - Gekko
Philip: Was he delicious?
Daily Muk?

Of course, more similarites between Foy, Snapple, and the number three!

As we all know, Snapple is the 3rd biggest soft drink company. If you divide Foy's number of legs by his talons you get *tada* three.

Thusly Foy is just as good as snapple, which means can say a lot about foy (and snapple if you've never drunk it).

I sent a couple of these to Philip quite awhile back... they were fun for me. Oh well. Glad to see you back Philip, but it's kind of neat that Jazz did the `speak too. Now all we need is Ice Blue, Adrock, and Mr. Yak to do it and we're all set.

(Oh yeah, Akemi really wants to do it too ^_^) - The Boinker

Philip: Ice Blue did one during E3. Oh, I want Adrock or Yak to do one too. Akemi did a great job on hers didn't she. ^_^
Squishy: Jazz DELICIOUS?
you just got triple digit heats for a day?  we've been havin' them every day here.....  man, its hot.  - Allison from texas
Philip: Actually we had them for a week.. it was horrible.. hope your heat streaks end soon. I have relatives in Texas.
Hey. Your comic section is impressive. Most impressive.

It seems that Game Boy sites these days are being assimilated by cartoons. It's happens to both absolutegb and dmgice!

Weird. - Clay Jones.

Philip: I'm still waiting for EAGB to surrender to the Comic Side of the Force. Surrender Eric, Valerie, and Matthias.. surrender to the funny side. Besides, I want to see you guys draw. ^_^
Nude pics. of Pickachu under viral speak and maybe some Akemi to. - A very sad man
Philip: That isn't very nice. Squishy, use a Super Lieber-Bitch Slap on him.
Squishy uses a Super Lieber-Bitch Slap with all his tentacles!
oh... i cant resist... im just about to get off the page and i see that little naked pikachu.. and hes telling me, click me.... click me.... so i do! oh the thrills! who shall i catch today? - Jumbo
Philip: Why not tell your friends too? *grins*
I like the daily muk the way it is now, a daily, witty, wubbulus comment that makes you think, laugh, or spontaneously say 'FOY!'

~Gak, PTT is emulating Nintendo too >_<  So many delays! But I'm on my feet now, so watch that empty reserved space in the comic section for something special within the next week!~ -PTT-

Philip: I'm saving that spot for you, pull it all together!
I borrowed a friend's friend's copy of Metroid II. (Japanese version) and for some odd reason, it has the Japanese name (Metoroido II) and DMG-MEA under. So, the DMG part got me and wondered if this was something I don't know. - Strange Boy
Philip: Are you sure that's the Japanese one? It may be the Spanish one.. oh, DMG means Dot Matrix Game. DMG Ice = Dot Matrix Gameing Is Complete Ecstacy.
starcraft kicks ass - hey
Philip: Thank you for reminding me. I should probably play it more.. I'm hopelessly out of practice. I blame "A.D.O.M." and PocketRougue.
Squishy scares me... - The Heptagon
Squishy: But I WUV YOU! I want to wrap all my tentacles awound you, and wuv you forever and a day! Gimmie KISSES!
I click on the banner ads every time I come to the site. Also if you want to eat Digimon I recommend trying Vegiemon. It's great for salads, and it can run a farm if you don't need to eat it. Imagine the profits of Digi-Vegetables!!! - Pikamew
Philip: Wow. I think you're cool. Digi-Vegetables sound cool. ^_^
My friends and I thought of something cool. It's a PSX/CD ROM game, because it's so violent and has psychos, cannibals and manic depressives on a killing spree to save the world from a pedophillic clown called Kinko, so we know Nintendo won't take it. It's called:*Cue Drumroll* Skitzophrenia: The Quest Begins!

Sort of like FF7 but more violent. Anyone interested? - Globe Flower

Philip: If you make a Game Boy version.. the ESRB would give it an "E".
You never print my VSes. [sob] - afree87
Philip: I know.. I'm not nice...
Akemi intimidates me. :( - Javil
Philip: You say that like it's a bad thing...
In your face, PS2! Mario Kart Adv is better than all your #$#&*% games!!! And now its sanctioned by the ECTS... 

HAPPY! - CodeBlue

Philip: Game Boy Advanced commands respect. It's 32-bits of loving. I urge Square to wise up and go GBA.
Find Foy I will! What! Foy not in Pokémon Gold and Silver. Make me mad it does. Change Ledy Ba's name I will. Not like name Ledy Ba. Foy I like. Better name that Ledy Ba it is. Make me happy Foy does. When get new Pokémon I do, change name of Ledy Ba to Foy I will. - Yoda
Philip: Nifty.
Like Yoda I do! :) - Foy
Philip: Cool.