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Viral Speak 03-22-2000
Warning: Today's Viral Speak is short and stoopid. Not Stupid; stoopid. There's a difference.
you Know the ice dude could be clicked on and then enlarged with a voice that will Sound every time he throws. i hOpe you enjoy tHis. i HoPe you respond soon because this is all i Have to do. yacabooboo@hotmail.com
Philip: Cool idea; but what can he say?
Reviews scare me! - Yin-Yang
Philip: The reviews are watching you. Reviews have three eyes you know. So.. there are a total of over 1,935 eyes watching you with cruel blank stares.
Mmm.... American pie... - Joltz
Philip: Save me a slice.
WORST episode ever. - Comic Book Guy
Philip: Agreed.
we are redundant.  we are redundant.  we are redundant.  we are redundant.  we are redundant.  we are redundant.  we are redundant. - still notelf, jason, remington, GARAMOND
Philip: How unique and entertaining.
Could there be any Pokemon that can talk besides Meowth and Mewtwo?  The question was answered in today's Pokmeon episode.  I can believe that Gastly can talk and was stronger than Mewtwo itself.  But I wanted to see Butterfree fight Gastly. *starts crying* - DVGBC
Philip: YOU write those "deathmatch" thingies.. MAKE Butterfree fight Ghastly.
Have you been cheating with Sailor Mercury? Cmon, you can do better than that! Like Sailor Venus.. mmmm. - sponge
Philip: Who.. me?
korang ni babilah,dah tu hisap jubur orang lain!!!Understand? - assddas
Philip: Of course I do. Don't say that in front of the children.
I didn't call from prison! I've never been in prison before! Oh... you might not be talking about me... Okay... anyway... Purple's not really my color.... maybe Beige... but anyway. I wrote another song last night, and the DMG Ice theme song is on the way. I just need a few more rhymes.  I hope you enjoy it... what I do for my fans... I mean, I love my fans. Do they love me? Or do they just go with the changes of the tide? Only time will tell, and in that time, I'll have found a way to make money from whining all day. Life is sweet... Almost forgot... Until you guys start covering news on Linda Tripp, make mine DMG Ice. - Mindstorm
Philip: Actually, we won't be covering Linda Tripp; but we recently hired Monica Lewinsky. Okay. I'm joking. It's a lame idea to hire Monica to do work on the site. Our bad. She's fired.
You have been - caught stealing
Philip: I blame Jane... she got me addicted..
I love - this site
Philip: Hopefully not in public.
I want to say that I can't let a day go by without thinking of Foy. Foy is the butter on my bread and I love the bug. It's FOY! Foy! FOY! FOY! FOY for PRESIDENT! - Fofanzrule
Philip: Almost went a day without Foy.. almost.. just.. THIS close.. but.. no..