"Double the Magic" RUINED BY DARKMAN

Allright, here's my MST. I worked a long time on it. i consider it pretty good, and im guessing that no one will actually read it, except maybe you guys. i realize thast the fic isnt video game oriented, but the characters are! Read enjoy, and put it up. oh, and do i get feed back on this?
I suppose I need legal stuff, or something. I own none of Nintendo’s characters, so dont think I do. This is my first MST, so be nice. I like it. Here Goes:



It was an ordinary day at section 64, loud, noisy, and overall, not very quiet. Everyone was in the rec room, as usual, except for Meowth, who had walked into the work room (Where everyone is supposed to be) to get his coffee mug. Therefore he was the only one who heard the MST alarm and was forced to do it. " Oh man! I just did one last week! I gotta stop coming in here!" Meowth said as he slowly trudged to the rec room looking for two people to help him MST the fic with him.

When the workers saw Meowth's face, they immediately stepped back, hoping they wouldn’t be called upon to share his misery and pain. He decided to ask Mario first. "He’s been here forever, he’s probably an expert," Meowth thought.

"Hello, Mario," Meowth said.

"Hello" Mario replied.

" Would you like to help me MST a fic?"

"Itsa me, Mario!"

" Um, yes, would you?"

"Thank you for playing!"

"Um, sure. Uh, never mind"

" But Itsa me, Mario!"

"Uh, huh," Meowth sighed, looking for his next candidate.

Then he spotted the newbie Olimar, from Pikmin.

" That sucker'll never know what hit him. Um, Olimar? Olimar! Would you like to MST a fic with me?"

" Sure!" Olimar exclaimed, stepping on several Pikmin to get him.

"Now, who'll be our third?" Meowth asked.


"Hungover from a hyrule party last night."


"No english."

"Golden Sun person?"

"Dropping off their Djinn at the pet daycare."


"Lawsuit with the Ghostbusters"

"How bout him?" Olimar pointed to Ganandorf, who was sitting in a dark corner with a little light, reading a book and grumbling to himself.

" Hey, Ganondorf! Yeah you, greeny!" Meowth yelled.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!?" Ganondorf yelled, punching a hole in the wall.

"Your gonna help us with an MST!"

" Fine, whatever." Ganondorf snarled, getting up.

They all walked into the workroom, (Olimar the only one looking happy for this was his first time MSTing,) through the power destabilizer, sat down, and started up the fic.

M= Meowth

O= Olimar




Double the Magic

O: Like double mint gum? mmmmmmmmmmmmm doubleminnnnnnnt..........

G: Shutup, Olimar!

By: Mir-Kitty

O: like a mircat? mmmmmmmmmmmmm mircaaaaaaaat.............

G:I told you to shut up!




Mir-Kitty= Hi! This is my second fic. I will try to work on this one as much as I can, and I will try to make the chapters longer than the ones on my other story,


G: We’re in for along one.

(all sigh)

"Love Hurts"

M:This hurts!

G:No, this sucks!

O:Touchy, aren’t we?

, hehehe. ^_^'''. Anyway, I will start the prologue now.

1 Key

G: 2 key, red key, blue key!

M: Hahaha.




M:NO WAY! Thoughts? in this fic? WILD!!!!!!!!


(author's notes in the story)

G: (As author) I’m on drugs, so I was flying when I wrote this. Sorry!


-~- with new person or scenery-~-

~*~*~*~*~*~new time~*~*~*~*~*~


O: To a time before this was written. We were so happy then.

G: Speak for yourself!



M: At all so don’ make fun of me!

IN THIS STORY EXCEPT FOR VIOLET, MS. SASHI, AND THE PLOT. Although, there may be more characters along the way..

O:Whoa, she owns them?


Meowth laughs diabolically.



G: This line above looks like a trail of nuclear worms to me. hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Sakura, Madison, Li, and Eli were sitting in class on a

O: Saturday, waiting for Monday and for school to start.

G: What nerds!!!!!!!!!!

Friday morning. Sakura had captured all the Clow Cards, and changed them into Star Cards. She and Li have also admitted their feelings to one-another, and were now dating. Madison and Eli have become great friends (well, they were before, but now they are better friends.).

M: Isn’t everything just peachy keenJ?

"Class, I would like you to meet our new student. Please come in." The teacher, Ms. Sashi (just so you know, I made her up.),

G: And just so you know, I think that’s stupid!

announced. A girl with sparkling, blue eyes and shoulder-length strawberry-blond hair walked into the classroom. "Class, this is Violet." The teacher continued.

"Hi," Violet said. "I am from Canada."

G:Damn! Thats just making fun of itself!

O: They found a diamond in the crap pile!

M:YOU SUCK!!!!!!!

"Violet, please take a seat on the right of Madison (the seating is still pretty much the same as in the show, but now the person who sat beside Madison has either moved spots, or was

G: Out drinking and was too hung over to come to school.

M: Just like Link!

gone, depending on who it is. You can decide. I don't know who sat beside her. so yeah.)." The teacher said.

O: Wow!The teacher said all that?

Violet walked to her seat, and sat down. Class continued as usual.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*At Lunch~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"Sakura, could I talk to you alone for a second.." Li said to Sakura as they walked out of the classroom.

G: While class was still in progress.


"Uh, sure." Sakura answered. She and Li walked to a place where nobody was.

O: In nobody land.

"What was it you wanted to talk about Li?"

G: (As Li)The birds are everywhere! There after me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I was just wondering if you felt something when Violet walked into the classroom." Li said.

M: (As Li)My hormones just went through the roof! Schwing!

"Yeah, actually, now that you mention it, I felt two auras. They felt like they were mixed." Sakura said.

O: Like fruit juice? mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, fruit juuuuuuuuuuuiccccccce..........

"I know."

M: That’s right, he knows so don’ mess wit him, BOYEEE!!!

Li said.

M: By the way, how many clow cards are there, anyway?

O: Like 53.


"What do you think it is? Only one person walked in, and that was Violet. I don't think she could have two auras, could she?" Sakura said.

"I'm not sure. she might. I will have to ask Eli if he felt anything too." Li said.

"Well, lets go see." Sakura said. They walked over to where Eli and Madison were sitting.

O: In the sitting place.

"Eli, did you sense something when Violet walked into the room today?"


M: (As Eli)Hell yeah! Schwing!

"Yeah, I felt two purplish auras.

G: (As Sakura)Really? They seemed kind of pinkish to me.

They felt like they were mixed." Eli said.

"Well, what do you think it was?" Li said.

"I am not sure exactly, but one felt light, and one felt dark.

O: Like chocolate? mmmmmmmmmmmm chocolaaaaaaaaaaate...........

I have never heard of a person with two auras before." Eli said.

Just then, Violet walked up to the group. "Uh, hi." Violet said.

G: That was the most intelligent greeting i’ve ever heard!

"Hi!" Madison said. "My name is Madison, this is Sakura, Li and Eli.

M: Whitney.

" Madison said, pointing to each person as she said his or her name.

G: As if she'd be pointing at the teacher or something!

Just then, Eli, Sakura, and Li felt the two auras again.

"Did you feel that?" Sakura whispered in Li's ear.

"Yeah, I did."

M: (As Li)Did it feel like a stabbing pain in your left buttocks?

G: (As Sakura)Uh, no.......

M: (As Li)Damn! I’m sitting on a tack!


Mir-Kitty= So, what did you think? Is it good, or bad? I will try to add a chapter soon, but it may take a while. ^_^'''. Anyway, please R&R! Flames are accepted, as long as they aren't too harsh.. See ya later! Bye!

Meowth, Olimar, and Ganondorf begin to get up and attempt to leave the theater when the fic starts to roll another chapter.

M: Oh, when does the torment end!!??

G: Well lets get started.

O: yeah.

All heave gigantic sigh.


Double The Magic

By: Mir-Kitty

1 Secrets Revealed

M: Dirty little secrets! HAHAHA!


G: Oh! Well, hello!

Thank you for reading! I take it that you like my story? Any way, I will start it now. Sorry if I took a while to get this chapter up ^_^'''.

O: Why couldn’t it have taken a little longer?


G: Actually, I owned those new characters, I’m just loaning them to her.


"I think we should ask her about it." Li said to Sakura and Eli as they were walking home that day.

"Maybe I should talk to Kero about it first. He might know what it is." Sakura answered.

"Maybe you're right." Li said.

M: Damn straight I am!

"So, you guys can sense two auras from Violet? She seems real nice, I don't think she's evil." Madison was saying to Eli.

G: Well, you seem nice and you're evil.

"Yeah, but looks can be deceiving." Eli answered.

O: Like Madison!

"But, it wasn't her looks that told me this. It was the way that she acted.

M(as Madison): she was such a prep!

But, I guess you could be right.." Madison said.

"Well, here's my house!

G: I've been looking for that for weeks!

See you guys later!" Sakura said.

"Bye!" The three others said in unison.


'Now, I will go and ask Kero about Violet.' Sakura thought to herself as she walked up the stairs into her room. "KERO!"

G(As Sakura): You went on my bed again! I'MA GUNNA KILL YOU!

She said.

M: My life sucks. It's suicide time!

"Yeah, Sakura?" Kero answered.

"I have to ask you something. Is it possible for a person to have two

O: Heads? I think I'm growing another one.


G: The mysteries of auras......

"Well, it is. But they would have to know two different types of

M: Interpretive dance.

magic." Kero answered. "Why?"

"Well, this new girl came and."

O: Violently trashed the whole school.

Sakura stopped mid-sentence.

G: Her brain had stopped and it took her 15 minutes to get it started again.

"What's wrong, Sakura?"

"I just felt something. It felt almost like

M: My period but that was last week.

a Clow Card, but different somehow." She said.

"Yeah, I feel it now."

O(As Kero): I feel it! It stings like a bitch!

"I'm going to call Li and tell him to meet us at Penguin Park."

"Why Penguin Park?"

G(As Sakura): It's our makeout spot!


"Because, that's where the feeling is coming from." She then called Li and told him where to meet her.

-~-Penguin Park-~-

"Hey Li!" Sakura said as she and Li arrived at

O: The donut shop. Then they realized they were supposed to meet at Penguin Park.

Penguin Park.

G: Actually, I like Wallaby Park better.

"Yeah, you're right, there is a Clow Card here. I thought we caught

M: That wascawy wabbit!

them all?" Li said.

"We did, so I don't know why there is one here." Sakura said.

"It's because it's not a Clow Card, it's a Reed (Clow's last name) Card." Said a voice.

O: Damn that informative voice!

"Who said that!" Kero demanded more than asked.

G: Wassuuup!

M: How's it going!

G: Fine, you!

O: That’s enough now.

G: Why!

"And how do you know about the Clow Cards!"

O: Geez! What's wrong with ?

A young girl about

G: 122 pounds walked in.

M: Not unless she's 7'9''!

Sakura and Li's age walked out of the bushes.


O: Yellow!

G: Baby Blue!

M: Electric green!

Sakura and Li yelled.

O: Random colors until their voices went hoarse.

"Yeah! And I know about the Cards because I am a Cardcaptor like you! Except, I can capture the Reed Cards, and you can't!" Violet explained.

G: Quite loudly.

M: What’s with all the yelling?


"What are the Reed Cards?" Sakura asked.

"Star-Beam, would you care to

M: Shine your light so bright.

O: I wish I may, wish I might,

G: End this goddamn fic!

explain that? (by the way, it isn't the same Star-Beam as in my other story!)" Violet said.

"Sure!" A small teddy-bear like thing flew

M: Through the air, thrown by a delinquent who stole it from a little kid and was tossing it like a football.

O: But the magic of the moment brought the teddy-bear to life and it violently tore apart the delinquent who tortured it so!

G: Muahahahahaha!

out of the bushes that Violet had been in. It looked a lot like Kero, except it had leopard spots all over it's body, and what looked like a shooting star going down it's tail. "The Reed cards are the Cards that Clow Reed made after he made the Clow Cards." She explained.

"And who are you?" Kero asked.

M: Hey! The ?'s are back!

O: Joy and jubilation!

"I am Star-Beam. Starry for short. I am the guardian of the Reed Cards. I am also the guardian of violet when her aunt isn't home."

G: She must be constantly supervised due to her anger management

M: They call her an "Achiever"

O: Her anger comes from the fact that her parents abandoned her and her aunt drinks heavily.

"How many Cards are there?" Li asked.

"Can I explain this all to you later? I have a Card to capture right now!" Violet said.

"Well, which card is it?" Sakura said.

"The Wake. It wakes people up. It's an easy capture according to Starry here." With that, she brought out her wand. The wand looked almost like Sakura's Clow Wand, except it was purple. She then told the Card to show itself. "FLAME RELEASE AND DISPELL! FLAME!" She said when after the Wake's spirit appeared. The Flame burned the Wake, and Wake fell to the ground. "WAKE CARD, RETURN TO YOUR POWER CONFINED! WAKE CARD!" The spirit then turned into a card.

M: Lame card! Release and dispell! LAME!

O: S**t card! Return to your power confined! S**T!

"Whoa, you're pretty good!

G: It takes a lot of talent to yell stupid phrases in order to capture a card!

Did you already capture the Flame Card?" Sakura said.

"Can I explain this at my apartment please, I would like to sit down." Violet said.

"Sure!" Li said.

M: That’s quite peppy.

-~-Violet's Apartment-~-

O: I don’ trust apartments...

G: Why?

M: He’s convinced that evil trees live in them.

G: Too much sailor moon rots your mind....

M: Olimar watches sailor moon? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA........

O: Alright! Lets get on with it!

Sakura, Li, and Violet were sitting on

G: Each other.

M: Ooooooohhhh. Kinky.

the couch at Violet's apartment.

O: Ate stuff and Violet forgot to warn them.

G: Poor Kero flew just a little too close....

"At the Park, you asked me if I caught the Flame Card, right?" Violet said.

"Yeah." Sakura answered.

"Well, I got it when I released the cards.

M: As if everyone makes the same mistakes Sakura does.

It was on the top of the deck." Violet explained. "I still have to catch

O: Malaria and scarlet fever, then I will have had every disease known to man!

23 more cards. There are 25 in all."

"Oh, I see." Li said.

G: Ironically, Li is blind.

They continued to talk. Finally, Violet's aunt came home.

M: That " finally" sounded like some one got annoyed.

O: (As Violet) Finally! These two wont stop kissing! Now that my aunt is here, they’ll leave and get a room or something. Sheesh!

"Hello, Violet!" Her aunt said as she walked in the room.

G: Holding a shotgun.

M: Ah, another hard day at the post office.

"Hello, Aunt Sudushi (yeah, yeah! I know the name is weird! I couldn't think of anything else!)

O: Hello aunt Sushi!

G: (As author) Yeah, yeah! I know I’m an idiot! I cant think at all so don’ make fun of me!

. Guess what!

M: I bet it will take her 3 weeks to think up an answer!

I caught a Card today!" Violet exclaimed.

O: That seems like quite an accomplishment. It deserves an exclamation.

G: Young lady, you have a lot of exclaiming to do!

"Violet, we have guests. Oh, wait a minute. *closes eyes and concentrates*

M: What? Is she trying to crap?

O: Oops! I crapped my pants!

You have magic too, don't you!" Sudushi said to Li and Sakura.

G: no, youre just an idiot!

"Yes, we do." They answered.

M: No, you don’.

"Violet, did you tell them of your other

O: Life?

G: She’s a stripper in Illinois!

power?" Sudushi asked.

M: The power, the power!

"No, not yet. I was waiting for you to get home because you

O: Have a shotgun. You’ll keep them in their place.

can explain it better." Violet said. "I will tell them now though. I am a Shape- Shifter."

"What is that?" Sakura asked.

G: (As Sakura) What is this, "Shaap- Shiftr" you speak of?

M: (As Li) This concept of, "Shaap- Shiftng" confuses and infuriates us!

"It means I can transform into

O: Something to make this fic a whole lot better!So of course ill never use it!

any animal." Violet explained.

"Oh, okay.." Li said, kind of unsure.

G: (As Li) Oh, okay, suuuuuuure. *turns away* psycho!

Just then Kero flew into the room with Starry. They had been in the kitchen looking for

M: Bourbon or whisky or something to get themselves drunk quickly. Unfortunately, they were unsuccessful.

sweets. "Uh, Violet, you are out of cookies.."

O: Uuuuuuuhhhh.... must have cooooooookies.....

Kero said. He stopped in mid-sentence and in mid-air when he saw Sudushi. He started to fall to the ground. Starry quickly flew under him and caught him.

G: Then she laughed evilly and dropped him to the floor!

"That's Kerobaraus isn't it!" Sudushi said.

"Yeah." Li said. "But right now, he is in his Earth form, so call him Kero."

M: Or else the cosmic stuff will fall out of line and the world will end.

"Hey, brat! Don't go telling secrets!"

O: Yeah, you brat! How dare you tell her his name is Kero!

Kero exclaimed as he flew up and over to Sudushi. "And how do you know me?!"

G: (As Sudushi) I know a lot of things about you, Kerobaraus!

M: (As Li) I told you to call him Kero!

O: (As Kero) Shut up, brat!

"I know a lot about the Clow and Reed Cards." She answered.

G: Well, aren’t you special?

"Oh, I see." Kero answered. A little while later, Kero, Li, and Sakura went home.

M: That’s it? They just left? What about the aunt who knew magic stuff?

O: (As Author) So she knows magic, big deal. They can fill in the blanks.


Did you like my story?

All: NO!

G: Please make it stop!

M: Is it over? I-I want it to be over.

I will add another chapter as soon as I can! In the mean time, please R&R! Thanks! Oh yeah, sorry this chapter is so long! But like I said, I want to make them longer than the chapters in my Love Hurts story! Bye!

O: You guys do this everyday!?

G: Welcome to section 64.

O: OH MY GOD!!!!!


Double The Magic

By: Mir-Kitty



It Can't Be True, Can It?

G: It cant be true, the fic's over?

M: Nope, its still going



Hello! How are you? I am fine by the way!

M: That’s nice. Why don’ you do us a favor and end the fic? It would make me happy.

I am so happy because

O: I have finally had a thought! Maybe Ill use it in the fic! Nah, a sensible thought would ruin the plot.

today was the last day of school before our Christmas break! We go back on January seventh! I am SO HAPPY!!! ( Anyway, sorry it took so long to get this chapter up! ^_^''' Here is the chapter, so, enjoy!









The gang of friends had been sitting and stalking at Sakura's house the next day after school.

G: Stalking? I shudder to think of who.

"So, do you think you are doing well in school, Violet?" Madison asked.

M: (As Violet) I don’ know. My paper says I have all, uh, what is this?

O: (As Madison) F's?

M: (As Violet) Yeah! I have al effs! Eff like fantastic! So, I guess I’m doing pretty good!

She was sitting beside Eli, Sakura beside Li, and Violet on the chair beside Sakura's bed (okay, I am not sure if there is actually a chair beside her bed, but if there isn't, there is in this story).

O: Yeah there's a chair there now, you bastard!

"I think I did pretty well." Violet answered. Just then, Kero flew out of the drawer he used as his 'bedroom'.

M: And flew to the bed he used as his 'toilet'

"Sakura, I'm hungry, do you have any cookies?" he said.

G: Cooooooooookieeeeeeeeeees........

"Uh, I don't think so.." Sakura answered.

M: Don’... think........soooooooooooooo.........

While she did this, Madison and Eli looked at them with wide eyes.

O: (As Eli) They look just like the characters from my favorite video game when they stand like that!

G: (As Madison) I know!

"Uh, Kero, Sakura has company.." Eli said.

"I know! Hey, Violet! There, are you happy Eli! I said 'Hi'! Now, do any of you have any COOKIES?" Kero said.

G: He said that like he’s gunna kill them all.

O: (As Kero) Give me cookies or ill melt you with my death ray eyes!

"But, I thought you weren't supposed to be out when there is company.." Madison said confused.

"Usually I can't, but I know Violet. Oh, and that reminds me! Is Starry here?" Kero asked hopefully.

M: (As Kero) We need Yeah.

"Yeah, but I think I should explain to Madison and Eli about my 'secret' first." Violet said.

O: Doesn’t ' ' mean thought? So it sounded like, "Talk about my.... first." Weird

"Oh, okay!" Kero complained. Violet explained to Madison and Eli about her being a cardcaptor.

"I don't believe you!" Madison said.

G: (As Madison) I don’ believe your a cardcaptor, regardless of the fact that youre holding two cards in your hand and have a kero helper! It seems like there’s a hole somewhere...

M: The only hole is the one in her brain.

"But, it's true!" said a voice coming from Violet's backpack. A small Teddy-Bear-like head popped out. "HI Kero!" it said.

"Starry!" Kero exclaimed.

"What's that?!" Madison said.

M: (As Violet) Its a buzzsaw! What are you, blind?

"This is Starry." Violet explained.

"It looks like Kero and Spinner.." Eli said.

O: Spinner, the tazmanian devil!

"Yeah, I know. That's what me and Sakura thought, too." Li said.

G: But then they thought otherwise.

"But, how can this be?" Eli asked no one in particular.

M: But no one didn’t know the answer.

"Well, like Violet explained, she captures the Reed Cards. And, Starry is her guardian. Her full name is Star-Beam." Sakura explained.

"Whoa. I don't remember anything about another set of cards.." Eli said.

O: That’s because you don’ pay attention in math class.

"Well, it's true, so get used to it." Li said.

G: (As Eli) But I don’ wanna!I don’ want another set of cards!

"WOW! Now I can design outfits for,

M: The girls from Friends!

and video-tape TWO people!"

O: Wow! She can video tape TWO people! That’s amazing!

Madison said with stars in her eyes. The rest of the gang except for Violet sweat-dropped.

M: (As Violet) EEEEEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!! Sweatiness!

"What is she talking about?" Violet asked.

"I'll explain later.." Sakura said.

"I could beat you ANY DAY!" Kero yelled at Starry.

G: (As Kero) Don’ you know I’m the WWE champion!?

The two of them had been arguing about video games the whole time.

"NO WAY!" Starry said.


"BE QUITE STARRY!" Violet yelled.

M: As opposed to sort of starry?

"YOU, TOO, KERO!" Sakura added.

G: That sounded hesitant.

M: (As Sakura) Um, uh, Kero? Could you, uh, uma, please be, um, quiet, uh, please?

"Anyway, Violet, I was wondering how you 'shape-shift'."

"What do you mean 'shape-shift'?" Madison asked.

"Yeah." Eli added.

O: Eli added a, "yeah" to reinforce the statement.

G: That sure was powerful!

"Violet is not only a cardcaptor, but she is also a shape- shifter." Li said.

"What is a 'shape-shifter'?" Madison asked.

M: *sigh* We already went through this, I’m not spoiling the gag by repeating it.

"I heard about that once, but I don't remember what it is exactly." Eli said.

"You probably have. It means that I can transform into any animal I want. Well, almost. I haven't finished all my training yet." Violet explained.

O: (As Violet) I still cant get that damn platypus!

"Well, can you show us?" Madison said.

"Sure." Violet answered. She walked to the other side of the room and turned to face the others. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Soon, she started to glow, and when it stopped, there was a pure white cat in her place.

G: How cheap was that!? She probably just hid and dropped the cat out of her coat pocket!

M: Where she always stores it?


M: Weird...

"Whoa!" Madison said.

"That was so cool!" Li said.

O: (As Li) I wanna do that!

The cat started to glow, and after a few seconds, Violet was where the cat was.

"That didn't seem too hard!" Sakura said.

G: (As Sakura) I bet I could transform into a cat and back, no sweat!

"Yeah, but it is!" Violet said.

"What do you mean?" Madison asked.

M: Well, contrary to your non-existent brain's belief, it actually IS hard to transform your molecular structure into that of a cats.

"Well, it takes a lot out of me. It is really hard to shape- shift." Violet explained. "Now, if you don't mind, I really need to get home. My aunt should be home soon, and I need to rest. Bye!" She then left Sakura's room, and went home.

O: What? She only rests when her aunt is home? I don’ get it!

"Well, that explains the two auras we felt coming off of her." Eli said.

"Yeah." Li said.

G: Again, the super-powerfully reinforcing, "yeah" is said.

"When did you find out about her magic, Sakura?" Madison asked Sakura.

"Last night. We saw her when we trying to capture a Clow Card the other night. But, it turned out it was a Reed Card." Sakura said.

"Weird. I don't think there is anything in Clow's magic books about Reed cards. But, I think I will check when I get home." Eli said.

M: (As Eli) Ill check, even if there isn’t anything there!

"Why check? We know she's good." Li said.

O: Because Eli's an idiot! Haven’t you been paying attention?

"I still think I should check. I want to know a little more about theses Reed Cards." Eli answered.

G: Yes, theses Reed cards seem suspicious!

"Oh, okay." Li said.

M: (As Li) Now I’m TOTALLY convinced!

"Did she tell you how many there was?" Eli asked.

"Yeah, she said there was 25, and she has 2. She still has a long way to go." Sakura said.

"There isn't as many as the Clow Cards, but still almost half the amount." Li said.

"I can't believe there is another cardcaptor in town. Wait till Meilin hears about this!" Madison said. "Well, I better get going! I want to start designing some new outfits! And I will need a new videotape so that I have enough to video tape all of your adventures! This is going to be so COOL!" She started walking toward the bedroom door.

O: In all her excitement, she forgot the door was closed.

G: BAM! Ow! That must have hurt!

"I'll walk you home! I have to talk to you about something anyway!" Eli said.

M: He said that like he wanted everyone to know!

O: (As Eli) This is very secret, Madison! No one else can know what I’m about to tell you!

"Okay, bye guys!" Madison said as she and Eli walked out the door and down the stairs.

"Bye guys!" Eli said.

"Get home safely!" Sakura said.

"Yeah, bye!" Li called after them. A little later in the afternoon, Li went home and Sakura had supper.

G: Li, however didnot have supper.

When she went up to her room, and went to bed.

O: That sentence is so messed up, you cant do much it!

G: Its impossible!




Well, what did you think? Good? Bad?

ALL: BAD!!!!!!

Please R&R! oh, and I just HAD to put that argument with Starry and Kero in! Lol! I will put the new chapter up soon! Sorry that this was so long! But, like I said in the other chapters, I got complaints in my other story, Love Hurts, that it was too short.

M: NO!! We were complaining that it was too long!

So, I have been trying to make my chapters longer. Please read my other story! It would be greatly appreciated. Please R&R! Thanks and see ya!

Double The Magic

By: Mir-Kitty

1 A Time For Healing

O: Yeah, my brain needs healing from reading this stupid fic!

Hello everyone! I am finally back with another chapter! Sorry it took so long to get one up, but I have been kinda busy. Not to mention that I had writers block.. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and please R&R! Anyway, here is the chapter! Enjoy!


G: HA!! I take a your characters, watcha gonna do now, eh?

M: I can take this if I want, I’ve got connections!


"Something weird happened to me last night.." Chelsea was

O: Pointlessly added to the fic.

saying to the group of friends. It was the next day at school, and everyone was gathered around Chelsea's desk. "I was walking home from school like always, and then something pushed me to the ground. I felt a sharp pain in my arm.

G: Well, falling over can do that to you.

I looked over at it, and it was bleeding. I stood up to continue home,

M: Not even considering getting a bandaid,

and I felt something rub against my arm where the cut was. I looked at it, and the cut was gone, but there were still a few drops of blood on my arm. It was really weird.."

"Wow, that is weird.." Sakura said.

O: Well, I’m glad you finally noticed that!

She pulled Li to the side. "Li, do you think that it is one of the cards that Violet is supposed to capture?"

G: Nope, nope, not at all.

"Yeah, I think it might be. We better ask her if there are any cards like that that she knows of." Li answered.

"Okay." Sakura said. Just then, Ms. Sashi walked into the classroom.

"Okay class, settle down! We have to start our classes now!"

M: Then she noticed that the class wasnt talking and felt very stupid.

Ms. Sashi said as she walked up to the blackboard. Classes went on as usual, and before long, it was lunch time.

"Violet! Wait up!" Madison said. Li, Sakura, Eli, and Madison had to clean something up, so they left a little after Violet did.

O: Hmmmmmm.... Wander wat they were cleaning up. Maybe Sakura had a little accident...

G: Youre so stupid, Olimar.

"Hey, guys!" Violet said.

M: coincidentally, Li is the only "guy" amongst them.

"Hey, Violet! You were here when Chelsea was talking about what happened to her last night, right?" Li asked.

G: (As Violet) Yes I was here.

O: (As Li) So you didn’t hear what happened over there. Good.

"Yeah, and she was talking about a Reed Card. I'm just not sure which." Violet started. She stopped in mid-sentence.

M: How did she stop in mid sentence when she already finished her sentence?

O: Don’ nag.

M: I saw a period!

"What is it Violet?" Madison asked.

"I know that feeling.." Eli said, a little concerned. "It's a Clow Card.."

"A Reed Card actually.."

G: Well duh! There isn’t anymore clow cards! Why is Eli so stupid!?

O: I think id be stupid too if I was named after the inventor of the cotton gin.

Violet said. "Come on! It's on the playground!" She ran out to the playground.

M: (As Violet) I wanna go down the slide!

The rest of the friends followed close behind.

"Ouch!" Madison said.

G: Maybe a little too close.

She looked down at her hand.

O: (As Madison) O great, stigmata!

"What's wrong, Madison?" Eli asked.

"My hand is cut!"

O: Aw! papercut!

She then felt something on her hand. She gasped.

M: (As Madison) "My hand is cut!" She realized again.

G: She must have ADD. She wasnt even paying attention to what SHE was saying.

"The cut is gone!" She exclaimed.

"It is the 'Hurt' and the 'Heal' Card!" Violet said. "Quick, Sakura, put everyone to sleep!"

O: Um, what?

G: I just totally lost that last sentence.

M: (As Violet) Its two cards in one, somehow! Now, its very important that everyone is asleep for this part.


G: Who’s Kay? when did Kay come in? Did I miss it? Dammit! I missed a whole character!

Sakura brought out her wand and used the Sleep card. Unfortunately,

O: The sleep card was on a coffee break, so no one went to sleep.

M: Why only no one? What did he do?

Violet was affected by the card and fell to the ground. "Violet!" Sakura said.

G: While simultaneously being asleep, somehow.

Something started glowing in Violet's pocket, and the Wake Card's spirit appeared. It sprinkled something on Violet, and Violet woke up.

O: Well, that was quite counterproductive.

"Ow.." Violet said.

M: (As Violet) Falling asleep is really painful!

"I think I twisted my ankle! But, I have to seal the card!" She slowly stood up and called out her wand. "Hurt Card, show yourself!" She yelled. A teen-age boy with strong looking arms and a strong body appeared. He was wearing a leather jacket and

G: He was hauling a big pair of scissors.

a bandanna. Everything on him was black. On his face, you could see scars and bruises.

O: Aaaaaaaawwwwwww! That hurt card must be pushed around a lot by the other hurt cards.

"Hurt Card! Return to your power confined! Hurt Card!" Violet yelled. The spirit started to glow and turned into a card. Soon after, a young lady with a white dress and long, white hair appeared.

"Thank you for catching my brother. I will now help you before I turn into a card." The lady said. She turned into a foggy mist and swirled around Violet's hurt ankle.

M: She then preceded to break the hurt ankle.

It then turned into a card and went to Violet's hand.

"Thank you for healing my ankle." Violet whispered.

G: Why was she whispering? Was it a secret or something?

O: (As Violet) No one can know you healed my ankle.

M: Why can only no one know? Why does no one get to know everything? It just doesn’t seem fair...

"Wow, you caught two cards. That's pretty cool." Sakura said.

G: That was the most not enthusiasm ever!

O: Geez! Now we need the !'s.

"Yeah, you could say so.." Violet said.

M: (As Violet) You could say that was cool... or you could say that was, EXCELLENTAY!

The bell then rang, and everyone went inside (just so you know, everyone who was asleep already woke up).

G: What bell?

O: Who’s every one?

M: Where’s inside?

~-~After School~-~

"Hey, Violet, I was wondering. How did the Wake Card wake you up after the Sleep Card accidentally put you to sleep?" Sakura asked. It was after school and the gang was walking to Madison's house.

"Well, the Wake Card kicks in and wakes it's Master or Mistress up when ever they are put to sleep by magic of any sort." Violet explained.

G: (As Li, to himself) Damn! So much for hypnotizing her to sleep. How am I gunna get those cards!?

"Wow, that's helpful." Sakura said.

"Yeah." Li agreed

"Huh?" Madison said as she looked over at Violet. "Where did that come from?"

O: Uh-oh. Madison's ADD is kicking in again. She wasnt paying attention to who said yeah.

M: I don’ blame her. That yeah was so boring and blank, I would have missed it, too.

"What?" Violet asked.

G: Apparently, Violet has ADD too. She wasnt paying attention to Madison’s question.

"That thing on your arm. It looks like a tattoo.." Madison continued.

"Oh, this?" Violet asked, pointing to a spot on her arm.

M: (As Violet) My evil dragon of death and dismemberment? I got that after my mom committed suicide.

"Yeah.." Madison said.

O: I don’ want to spoil the, "Yeah" gag either, so never mind.

"Oh, that is just a symbol that shows that I am a shape-shifter. Only people who know I am a shape-shifter, or are shape-shifters themselves can see it. The swirl in the middle represents the transformation, and the dragon represents my Chinese zodiac, or, the year I was born. My aunt has a horse on her arm."

G: That’s expected from old horse-face.

Violet explained. "The symbol is where my magic to transform comes from. Don't you remember, when I transformed at Sakura's house the other day most of the magic came from this mark on my arm."

"Well, now that you mention it, I did see most of the magic come from your arm. I just didn't realize that that is where it actually came from.." Eli said.

M: Yeah, I thought it came from her-*WAM! Meowth is nailed in the face by Ganaondorf, HARD*

"Yeah.." Sakura agreed.

M (Rubbing nose): See? Sakura agrees with me!

"Well, here's my house. Do you want to come in?" Madison said.


"Sure!" The friends agreed.


Well, what did you think? Sorry if it is too short or too long or whatever! I was just writing what was in my head at the time!

G: But there isn’t anything in the authors head...

O: That explains a lot.

Anyway, I will try to get another chapter up soon! Please R&R! Thanks for reading! Bye!

M: I would R&R better if she didn’t put up another chapter.

O: yeah.

Double The Magic

By: Mir-Kitty

1 Here, But Not

G: I wish I was here but not.

O: Me too.

M: Yeah.

Hello, everyone! ( How are you? Okay, I know I haven’t added anything in like a long time, but that is because I have been busy, and I have writer's block. I am telling you now though, I won’t be adding anything for awhile because I am going on a trip soon. Well, I will stop trying to explain and start the chapter!

DISCLAIMER= I don’t own anything in this story except the plot, Violet, Starry/Star-Beam, Sudushi, and Ms. Sashi. Please don’t take anything without my permission.


As the group of friends walked into Madison’s house, Violet gasped.

G: She realized that she was really dumb.

O: She gained this newfound knowledge when she found out she could couldn’t add 2 and 2 without looking at her fingers

"Wow! You sure have a big house, Madison!" Violet said, astonished.

M: The fact that Voilet is dumber than dirt has become even more apparent after that comment, seeing as Madison's house is a trailer.

"Thank you!" Madison answered, happily. A maid then walked up to her.

O: You mean a minute maid?

M: I'm sorry, but that’s lame.

"Welcome home, Miss Taylor." The maid said. She bowed politely. "May I have your jackets?" She asked.

G: (As Li) But I don't have a jacket.


"Here you are." Madison said as she handed the maid the jackets. The maid took them and hung them

M: By "them" they mean the kids.

G: And so, the disgruntled maid has murdered our heroes, ending the fic.

in the closet. She then walked off to do some other chores. "Well, why don’t we go upstairs to my room." Madison said as she walked up to her room. When they got upstairs to her room, Violet stopped in amazement.

M: (As Voilet) Wow! I can't believe it! Youre room has a door and everything!

"Madison, your room is bigger than my living room!" Violet said, shocked. She looked around the room, admiring everything she saw.

"I wouldn’t say it’s that big." Madison said. "Is it?"

O: Of course it's not.

"I think so." Sakura said, agreeing with Violet. "I never noticed it before, but your room is pretty big."

That’s because Sakura is stupid and fails to see anything important around her.

"Oh, I didn’t know that. I mean, I know it’s big and all, but I didn’t know it was quite that big." Madison said. "Well, lets get started!" She said.

"Started on what?" Violet asked, puzzled.

G: (As Madison) Our homework, DUH! Didn't it occur to anyone else that we have school tomorrow!?

"Oh, please don’t be what I think it is!" Sakura said, hopefully.

M: (As Sakura) Oh please, not another Twister tournament!

"Why, to show you your outfit for your next card capture of course!" Madison said. "And just think, I get to videotape more!" She continued with stars in her eyes.

O: Stars in her eyes? Damn, she’s stoned!

"What do you mean, ‘outfit’?" Violet said, quizzingly.

G: You know, those things you wear? Get a clue, spazoid!

"Well, whenever I used to capture a card before, Madison would almost always make an outfit for me, and then videotape me while I was capturing the card." Sakura explained.

"WHAT?!?!?!" Violet exclaimed.


"Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it." Li said.

"Here!" Madison said as she handed Violet an outfit. "You too, Sakura." She continued as she handed one to Sakura. "There, now go get changed." She said as she pushed them into two separate dressing room areas.


"Hey, this is pretty cool!" Violet said happily as she walked out of the dressing room a few minutes later. She was wearing a light purple top with darker purple shorts. The top had spaghetti-straps and the left and right sides came out and down into points that reached to about her knees. The shorts were zigzagged on the bottom, and were outlined in sequence on the bottom and the top.

G: Well, she’s the cats meow!

"Mine is pretty cool, too!" Sakura said as she walked out a few minutes later. She was wearing a short, pink dress that reached just above her knees. The top was somewhat tight, and hugged against her. The bottom flared out from her waist. The sleeves reached about her elbows, cupping them (you know how on the shoulders of some of the outfits it rounds and then it’s normal again, well, this is what it is on the elbows of this dress).

M: Well, Sakura's the toast of the town!

"Although, why do I have to wear an outfit?"

O: No, you could go naked if you want.

"Well, because you are helping her to capture some of the cards, so, you have to dress the part also." Madison explained.

"Oh." Sakura said, plainly.

G: That "oh" couldn't have gotten more plain.

All of a sudden, Madison started to disappear.

M: Madison has become so lame, she’s actually fazing out

"Madison, what wrong?!"

O: What wrong, G? Is there a problem goin down in yo hood?

Sakura asked.

"I don’t know!" Madison said, just before she fully disappeared.

G: Madison has lamed out of existence.

Violet gasped. "It’s a Reed Card!" She exclaimed.

"Which one?" Li asked.

M: Take a wild guess, Li. It made Madison disappear, so it's, um, I don know, THE DISAPPEAR CARD!?

"I’m not sure!" Violet said.

"It might be the ‘Invisible’." Eli said.

O: Good guess, Eli!

"Oh, yeah!" Violet said. "But, how do we stop it?"

G: OOH! Pour paint on it and then push it down!

"Sakura, try using the Move Card to move Invisible’s spirit out of Madison." Eli said.

M: No, I’m sorry, that doesn’t work.

"Kay!" Sakura said. She brought out her wand and called out the Move Card. "Move! Get Invisible’s spirit out of Madison! Move!"

O: (As Sakura) Move it, punk! You heard me!

Move came out of the card, and flew into the area where Madison had been standing. Soon, two spirits stood in front of the group of friends. One was the move card, holding onto the other one. The other one was faintly visible. Its hair was pulled into a tight bun,

O: Like a sticky bun? Mmmmmmm, sticky bun….

and it was wearing a long, white dress.

G: Damn! If it was blue, we could’ve made a Cinderella joke!

"Capture it!" Li yelled to Violet.

M: (As Madison) Wow! She’s pretty!

O: (As Li) Who cares!? CAPTURE IT!

Violet nodded her head. She brought out her staff. "Invisible, return to your power confined! Invisible!" The spirit was sucked into it’s card form, and flew into Violet’s hand. The Move then returned to its Card form, and returned to

G: Li, whom it had chosen as its new master!

Sakura. Madison was now visible again, and had a shocked look on her face. "What’s wrong now?" Violet asked her curiously.

M: (As Madison) I saw the world of people who had lamed out of existence. It was frightening. The horror. The HORROR!

"I didn’t get to tape your capture!" Madison whined. Everyone except for her sweat dropped.

O: Thus making a huge, sweaty pool.

G: (As Li) Finally! I haven’t taken a bath for a week!


Well, what did you think? I know it was short. Please R&R! Oh, and if anybody knows what month Sakura’s birthday is in, could you please tell me? I need to know for one of my other stories. Thanks!


M: Its finally over! WERE FREEEEEE!!!!!!!

O: That’s too much!

G: Whatever…

So, the team of fatigued MST’ers left the room, and took some delight in stomping many a pikmin.