Presented in all it's original "glory" for everyone to "read" and "enjoy" in the "comfort" of their own homes.

Team Redline

Episode: 004

"Serve and protect."

Rated: PG-13

By Philip Andrew Wesley

Background Information: Justice is determined by the view of the one that
applies it. What is right or wrong is dictated by mass appeal; and not on the
base belief of a single individual. The prevailing justice is the popular
justice. Even if the prevailing, popular justice is skewed and corrupted.

Chapter One.

"I'll tear your wings off!" Nine yelled as he ran toward the scyther. He
missed and smacked into the wall. A little shaken, Nine got back up and shot
swift at the scyther. The swift connected. The scyther slashed at Nine and
knocked him into another tunnel in the sewer. "Damn." Nine said as he picked
himself off of the floor. "That thing is stronger than I am..." The scyther
let out a roar and started to fly toward the tunnel that Nine was in. "I
gotta keep moving or that thing will catch me..."

"So, you aren't going to talk.. are you. Well, that's fine with me." The
interrogation officer said. "All I want to know is who is running this New
Team Rocket.. is that too much to ask?" The prisoner just glared at him and
said. "I am a Staff Sergeant, 1245-67 E3; and my name is Finnian Harris."
"Oh, come on.. stop with that name, rank, serial number garbage. You don't
seem to realize that you are going to jail for a looooong time. Remember
that you could plea bargain if you co-operate." The prisoner looked confident
and just smirked. The interrogation officer picked up a glass of water and
waved it in the air for a little while. Then he threw it in the prisoners
face. "So... you want me to get rough on you?" The interrogator picked up a
magazine, rolled it into a tube and hit the prisoner across the face with it.
"Should I beat the answers out of you! Or are you going to tell me?" The
prisoner just stared at him blankly. "Hmmph. I don't need a stupid wuss like
you to find out.. I already know.. I just want you to confirm it." The
prisoner started to twitch a little, nervously. "There.. now you're breaking
down.. good." The prisoner looked at his interrogator and then started to
chew on something. "What are you doing..." Then the prisoner bit down hard on
what he was chewing and fell back. "Damn. He's dead. Chlorophyl and Arsenic

Matt sat back in the chair in his office and sifted through some paper work.
He shuffled some of the papers into the wastebasket next to the desk and then
he opened a drawer and placed the remaining papers inside it. He then reached
into the drawer and pulled down a hidden rack from the inside of the drawers
cabinet. He pulled out a large red book with a few papers hanging out of it.
"Hmm." Matt thought. "I have off from work tonight.. I wonder who's available
tonight." Matt shifted through the names and pictures. "Hmm. She got married
last month.. I might as well scratch that one off. She's dating that guy in
CDO; not like that would matter though. Hmm. This one looks like a good
prospect." Matt picked up the phone on his desk and dialed a number only to
get a busy signal. "Hmm." He set down the phone and it rang. Matt pushed the
Line Button down and lifted the receiver. "Hello?" "Matt." The voice on the
other line said. "Please report to the main office."

Chapter Two.

The Scyther roared as it flew into the sewer tunnel. "Hmm." Nine thought.
"How am I going to outrun the thing... it's faster than I am." Nine looked
around and noticed some light shining through a manhole cover into the tunnel
he was in. "Hell, I don't want to stay down here with that bug.." Nine leaped
up and burst through the Manhole cover. A car swerved out of the way to avoid
hitting him and crashed into a mailbox on the side of the intersection. "Damn
it; I'm in some type of commerce district." Nine heard a shrill noise and
turned around just in time to catch the Scyther's Quick Attack full force.
Nine flew backwards and hit a wall. The Scyther roared triumphantly as the
people in the area started to run for cover. Nine got back on his feet and
started tossing Swift at the Scyther. He hit the Scyther out of the air and
onto the ground. Suddenly the Scyther disappeared. Nine quickly threw his
arms out and created a Barrier. "Just in time." Nine thought as the Scythers
slash attack bounced off the Barrier. Nine concentrated on the Scyther that
was slashing away at his Barrier. "DISABLE!!" Nine yelled. The Scyther looked
confused for a second and stopped slashing. "Ha! I have rendered your Slash
inoperable!" Nine released the Barrier and started to use Swift to push the
Scyther back and through the window of one of the stores.

The Scyther landed with a large crash into a store display of multi-colored
spheres.  The Scyther flinched as Nine landed in front of it. "Ha. Pitiful
creature. Now.. you die!" Nine held his paw out in front of the Scyther and
started to concentrate. The Scyther started convulsing and twitching as Nine
slowly closed his hand. The Scyther suddenly became very still. Nine stopped
using his Psychic move and walked up to the fallen Scyther. He kicked it and
crossed his arms. "Stupid bug." Nine turned around to fly away and then felt
his body fly toward the ground. Hard. "Unngh..." Nine forgot the Scyther had
Quick Attack. The Scyther was roaring and sounding off its call of victory.
Nine's fingers trembled as he reached for one of the spheres. Nine threw the
sphere at the Scyther. A flash of red light filled the room. "I hope that
hurt it." Nine thought to himself. The sphere landed on the ground with a
thud and started twitching. Nine looked at the sphere and then got on his
feet again and looked for the Scyther. The ball stopped twitching and made a
small bell noise. Then a synthetic voice said. "Pokémon Captured. You caught
a Scyther Pokémon." Nine picked up the ball and glared at it. "Hmm... I
guess I could use an ally. Maybe." Nine looked at the Pokéball. "Hmm. Maybe
not." He dropped the Pokéball and started to focus on it. Nine lifted the
Pokéball into the air with Psychic and started spinning it. "To Hell with you
Scyther." The Pokéball started spinning faster and faster and then slammed
into the ground and broke open. The force of the blow released the Scyther
with such force that it split the Pokémon in two as it appeared. Spraying
guts and pieces of the Scyther's exoskeleton everywhere. Nine walked over and
picked up one of the Scyther's wings. "Ha." Nine snapped the wing in half
with his paws and teleported away.

"Do you see that?" "Yes, sir." "That is the Mewtwo that you let get away. The
footage from the Mall cameras shows it fighting a Scyther. It seems to speak
english and seems very dangerous." "Well, yes, it is dangerous sir; it just
got away before. I could try and catch it again.." "No. I want you to kill
the bastard." "Yes, sir." "But not right now, Matthew. As you may know; one
of the Team Rocket people that you arrested in the smuggling operation is now
dead. He committed suicide with a capsule he had hidden inside a fake tooth.
But the other one gets shipped off to Brunswick Fair in Saffron later today.
Brunswick Fair is a Level 2 Security prison where most of the other Team
Rocket members have been sent. I need for you to accompany the prisoner to
the prison. We have had some recent instances where Team Rocket members have
broken free during the transportation to the prison." "You need me to stave
off any attempts to free the prisoner?" "Yes." "Can I take my Mew?" "You only
need a gun..." "But I want to take my Mew." "Okay, take your goddamn mew."

The saw slipped slowly over the barrel of the gun. The silent figure slipped
the saw through one more time and the barrel of the gun fell to the floor.
The figure then strapped the gun up on to his back. "I wonder.. if I will be
needing this.." The figure unstrapped the gun for a moment and then placed it
back on the table. The figure then slipped on a helmet and a glove with a
seven inch railroad spike strapped on it. The figure then slipped on a teflon
jacket with an "R" on it that was crossed out by smears of blood. "Someone
must avenge them." The figure whispered to itself as it picked up the handle
of a Ruger Mk II.

Chapter Three.

"So.. why did you join Team Rocket?" Matt asked the young prisoner. "Aw, Hell
with that. You can tell me; I'm not your warden; I'm just along for the ride.
So, go on. Why did you join?" "The prisoner just smirked a little. "Money? Is
that why you joined? Money is the undoing of many people. I'll bet your momma
is sick with worry now; you basically screwed your future for money." The
prisoner looked away from Matt and looked out of the window. "What the Hell
do you care." The prisoner said. "Well, I don't give a damn about you; I was
trying to make a conversation with you." The prisoner looked down at the
shackles on his feet. "You know... they will rescue me." "Sure they will."
"They told me they would; they care about me." "Hell with that. Team Rocket
only cares about money; you are expendable to them." The prisoner looked at
Matt bitterly. "Hell what you know! You don't know them. They'll come and
rescue me; you'll see!" Matt looked out the window of the van. "I didn't join
for the money... I joined because I wanted to see all of the Pokémon of the
world. I wanted to see them all; go places. I was stuck in some back waste
town... I wanted to see the world. Take it all in." "And so you took up a job
poaching? That makes no sense." "Hell, I do what I do to survive. I gotta
make the money somehow." The car stopped with a harsh screech. "Why did we
stop?" Matt said. The driver got out and opened the door. "Okay, Matt. This
is where you get out." "Huh?" The driver reached into his pocket and pulled
out a small PPK and a hat with a red R on it. Matt dropped his gun. "Put down
the Pokéball too." Matt took the Pokéball out of his pocket and placed it
down on the ground. "Good. I'll take care of the prisoner now." The driver
took off the handcuffs and shackles on the prisoner. "See. I told you they
would rescue me." Suddenly the driver collapsed to the ground and blood began
to seep into the dirt. Another shot rang out and hit the prisoner in the back
of the head. Matt looked quickly and saw a figure in a cape quickly start
running from the scene.

Matt grabbed the Pokéball, and let his Mew out; then grabbed the PPK and his
own gun, a Calico M-950. He started to chase after the capped figure. The
capped figure was running toward a motorcycle. Matt shot at the capped
assassins leg and hit him in the foot. The fleeing figure stumbled to the
ground. "Who are you?" Matt yelled. "I am the Retribution!" The figure
yelled. Matt yelled out. "Mew! Ice Beam!". The capped figure rolled out of
the way of the Ice Beam and shot at Matt. Matt dodged out of the way and shot
back at the attacker. It was too late. The attacker had gotten to his
motorcycle. The motorcycle roared to life as the attacker rode off. Mew
landed beside Matt. Matt fired at the vehicle; but it got away. Matt walked
back to the van and picked up the vans CB. "Sir.. I think we have something
to worry about besides Nine... oh.. send an ambulance as well. I think one of
these guys may be still alive; well, barely." "Mew?" The mew landed on Matt's
shoulder. Matt looked at the bodies of the two Rocket members. "Scratch
that... send me a unit to remove the bodies... we have a vigilante on the

The End.

(For now.)
Copyright Dmg Ice 1999